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Создавая свое наследие | Justin Bilavschi

«Это работа, на которую возложена большая ответственность», — говорит Джастин Билавщи, присоединившись к программе «Angels» в Румынии. Но большие изменения происходят через небольшие шаги.
Angels team 12 февраля 2024
Justin with Angels colleagues Thea-Maria Leinbohm, Eleni Panoutsopoulou, and Silvia Ripamonti. 

I joined Angels because I know that we can immensely improve the healthcare quality in Romania. At Angels, I met awesome people whom I can trust that together we will greatly enhance the outcomes for the stroke patients.

On my first day with Angels, I felt overwhelmed, and not in a bad way, but in a good way. I never believed that I would have the opportunity to work with such an amazing and talented team. I want to thank my awesome manager, Silvia Ripamonti, who made everything as smooth as possible for me.

The thing I am most proud of is being able to truly make an impact on our healthcare systems by working closely with doctors and nurses. I am very happy that I can pick things up where the previous consultant left them, and help esteemed doctors to make life better for the patients.

It took a lot of courage to commit to this job as it bears great responsibility. When the patient's life is on the line, you must be absolute sure that everything is done perfectly.

The most important thing I have learnt so far is that big changes come with small but secure steps. We had great improvement in Romania in stroke treatment in the last years, but we still have a long way to go.

One skill I have found unexpectedly useful is the ability to have faith in yourself. You must be very confident in your powers if you want to make great changes.

The best advice I have received is simply “do not worry!”. Eventually every problem has a solution.

To me, leaving my legacy means building an awesome team and network of doctors, nurses and consultants, who all strive for the well-being of the patients.


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